Friday, November 2, 2012

~The Sunshine Award~

Thank you so much Hannah for awarding me this award!

1. What is your favorite Holiday movie?
My favorite holiday movie? Umm.. I don't really know...I don't watch that many movies. :D

2. What is your favorite flower?
I could never choose! All flowers are beautiful!

3. What is your favorite (non-alcoholic) drink?
Truthfully, milk. White milk. I don't really like chocolate milk. :)

4. What is your passion?
Trying my hardest to teach others about Christ!

5. What is your favorite time of the year?
Around Christmas time, I love the music, decorations, and feeling of togetherness.
6. What is your favorite time of the day?
Right before bed! I usually read, whether it's the Bible, or just an ordinary book.

7. What is your favorite physical activity?

8. What is your favorite vacation?
I like moving around and doing stuff like hiking or something, and just seeing beautiful sites. :D
Here are the 8 other bloggers I will award:

1. Jessie
2. Jess
3. Brittany
4. Rose
5. Emma
6. Ruthie
7. Raine Sunshine
8. Kassidy Jacobs
PS. These are the most recent, lovely girls who have commented on this blog!

Thanks again for the award, Hannah!

 By the way, this is the 200th post! So if you didn't get the award below when I had 100 posts and you follow this blog, you can take it now!
-Emma :D


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