Saturday, March 30, 2013

The New and the Old!

       Hello! If you read my last post you know that I got a new camera! And if you didn't read it...well now you know! :) Here's some pics:

Okay.. maybe just one picture.. I have to figure out how to upload pictures with my new camera first... :)

     It's the Canon SX150 14.1MP digital camera with 12x optical zoom. Overall, much better quality of pictures than my last camera. It's batteries go pretty quickly like all the reviews say, but if you flip the batteries around it'll last a bit longer ;). I'm still figuring it out, but I like it!
-Emma :D


  1. Wow! What kind of camera did you have before? I have a Fuji film 16 mp with a 5x optical zoom.

  2. I had the Sanyo 5X VPC-S1415, sorry it took me so long to respond!! I sort of forgot! :)
