Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Smaller Trips

Here are some of the smaller trips that my family took on vacation:

 We're all so excited, except for my brother.. :)
Kiss pillows!!
 Big Hershey bottles!
Hannah found some chocolate! :D
 All the stuffed animals and chocolates!

The first hard pretzel factory: Julius Sturgis

A random stop that we had made at an Amish bridge and nearby was a mill :)
 A random little carousel :)
The mill

Wow! That was a lot of pictures!

I hope you guys are all enjoying your summer vacation! I can't believe that I have barely a month before school starts again! Ahh! I guess we gotta enjoy it while it lasts!

-Emma :D


  1. Your brother looks too funny. My oldest brother would look the same. The Mill looks like a very pretty place.

  2. That's so cool! :) Chocolate sounds so good right now...
