Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Day with the Eagles

Soo, a couple weeks ago, my family and I went to some areas around our city where you can see tons of eagles. And of course I took tons of pictures! But it was super cold and I couldn't see very well, and we were far away, but here they are anyhow!

Some of those pictures were just of the surroundings and the almost completely frozen river! 
Trust me, I really do hope to post more in the coming weeks! :)

-Emma :D


  1. Whoa. That is so amazing! Where IS that place?
    I think I've only seen two eagles before.
    That frozen river reminds me of Narnia. "It's been frozen for a hundred years." ~Mrs. Beaver.
    Lovely pictures =)

    1. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply! But, we went and saw the eagles in a couple of different places along the Mississippi River!
