Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This Past Week: SITS!

     So.. this past week I was at a conference/camp called Summer in the Son. It was a whole lot of fun and I learned a lot of things too! I also got some opportunities to whip out my camera and take some pics! I would have a group pic, but nobody has posted any yet and I didn't take one. :(

 These are just some of the views from right outside my dorm (it was at a college campus)

 These flowers are everywhere!

 This didn't focus..but I kinda like it that way :)
 This was made out of water bottles with food coloring in them!
 We were almost all twinning on the the last day with our new shirts :)

And lastly, I know it's only a side view, but doesn't this look like Jep Robertson?!?

The theme of the week was DO and we were challenged to just serve and love our community and do good things for others, not necessarily evangelizing, but rather getting to know and care for others needs.

 Maybe you could try to do the same in your community?

-Emma :D


  1. Great pictures - where were you at? Love the picture of the dumpster. That guy really does look like Jep Robertson!

  2. Thanks! Glad you like the dumpster, it was one of the many great views from our dorm! :) We were in Kentucky! It was nice and hot all week!
