Friday, April 20, 2012

The Double Doll Guess! (Closed)

     This weeks doll guess will be two pictures because I missed last weeks. A bit of a change in the rules, but not much. :) First some-what-change, there are two pictures which means two awards, which also means TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE WILL RECEIVE AWARDS! (Basically, only guess for one of the pictures, they're labeled 1 and 2).  And again, only one guess per two days, or only one guess in between hint days. First hint will be given Sunday. Here are the pictures:
     These should be a bit easier than past doll guesses, I was trying out PicMonkey now that Picnik is gone :'( Have fun with the pictures, for more instructions, please click Here. Thanks!
-Emma :)
PS. I will not post tomorrow because I will be gone


  1. 1. Is it Julie in her PJ's
    2. Is it G1958 in The Hiking outfit and Assesories

  2. Oops!!!! I didn't understand the rules sorry!

  3. #1: Julie in her pajamas and...#2: the hiking outfit and accessories on MAG #51 (blonde hair w/ bangs, blue eyes, light skin)?
