Saturday, December 7, 2013

Walking on Water...that was Frozen

     Wow! Can you believe we're already well into the month of December? Last week over our Thanksgiving break, my sister and I went to a park that's not too far from our house and took lots of pictures! There is a small pond and it had a thin layer of ice all across it, we would shuffle around on it trying to not make it crack, we even threw some heavy rocks across it. It sounded pretty cool! Here are some pics to show you some of the things we saw.

 It was completely transparent!

     There are some of the pictures, I'll progressively post the rest this week. :)

And did anybody else watch the remake of The Sound of Music on Thursday? I thought it was pretty impressive considering it was being filmed live! Now I have all of the songs stuck in my head, 
"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper..."

Have a good week! 
-Emma :D

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