Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Baking: Puppy Chow!

 Hey! I thought you guys might enjoy going through the cooking process that I did to make puppy chow this year! If you want to make some here's the recipe:
1 Box of Rice Chex
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla
And as much powdered sugar needed! ;)
This is basically the Chex Muddy Buddies recipe with a few tweaks for greater satisfaction! :)

 First I put the peanut butter, chocolate chips, and margarine in a big bowl
Microwaved it for thirty seconds
 Add vanilla
 Stir some more..
 Add in the Chex
Put 'em in a bag
 Add lot's of powdered sugar and shake until spread evenly
 Spread out to dry..
Sprinkle on some more powdered sugar and whala! Puppy Chow!

Seriously though, puppy chow is one of the best foods on this planet! Anybody agree?

Keep on enjoying your break!

-Emma :D


  1. Puppy Chow is the best! This might sound weird, but the first time I heard of it I thought it was dog food! :) These kind of posts are so cool, definitely do more!

    1. Haha, that's funny! But it's understandable! Thanks, I'll try!
