Sunday, August 5, 2012

Photo Story!

     Before the photo story, I would like to welcome The Spurlock Girls and Jess! It was a wonderful surprise to come to the blog to see the followers being 23 instead of 21! Thank you so much for deciding to follow this blog, girls, it really means a lot to me! And now here is the photo story, it is of Emie doing her rhythmic gymnastic routine for "The Doll Olympics"! Enjoy!
 All of her equipment
 Oops, forgot the ribbon. ;)
 Doing the splits while twirling the ribbon
 Rolling the ball down her back
 Juggling the clubs
 There it goes!
Emie's cheering section (and the United States)
 Showing off her flexibility with the hoop
 The hoop and ball
 She got a trophy!
 Very professional ;)
 And it's exactly her size
 Plus a gold medal!
 Yay! Go Emie!

 I hope you liked the photo story, I haven't ever actually watched rhythmic gymnastics, except in the McKenna movie, but I had this outfit, so Emie decided to try it out! :) Have a nice Sunday!
-Emma :)


  1. Your welcome! :)
    Cool! That looked like it was a lot of work! Especially with juggling the clubs!
    ~ Jess :)

    1. Thanks! The most work, was actually getting Emie to balance, and having clubs be in the perfect position in the air, otherwise it was fun. :D
