Friday, December 7, 2012

Looking for Something to do this Christmas?

      If you're bored and want to be festive, but don't know how this Christmas, I hope this post will help! :D

Last year, my sister and I each hosted a Christmas Cookie Exchange. It was two parties, with 5 friends each, where we hung out, took pictures, exchanged cookies, and, of course, ate cookies!

It was really fun, so we will be doing it again soon! Here is how we did it:

  1. Make invitations, for example:
     2. Choose friends to invite and give them the invitations
     3. Think of some ideas of what to do (ex. gingerbread making contest- get in two groups and whoever makes the best looking gingerbread house gets some prize, make cookies- you could make more cookies, maybe decorate gingerbread men, talk, etc.)
     4. Wait for the party!

If you do throw a party, I would love to hear all about it!

So, if you were looking for something to do...there you go.
-Emma :D

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