Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What I have been up to...

gone to my second Christmas party, and gotten chocolate from my secret santa!!! <3

gotten my hair cut! 
(along with my mom and sister)

taken down the header that I just put up 
(I'll put it back later once I have the whole design ready)

 taken a test. Proofs. Ugh!

done my chair audition for the flute.

preparing for the cookie exchange party!

enjoying my early out!

smelling supper. Mmm. :)

make hairspray in the next couple hours. 
(Thanks for your responses on the survey!)

wrap Christmas gifts.

So, that's my life. What's happening in yours?
-Emma :D


  1. Awesome!! I get out of school for Christmas break tomorrow and then we're going to a wedding! :)
