Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Haiti: The First Days

      Once we arrived in Haiti, we loaded most of our group onto a school bus and I think the others went on a truck (there were 49 people from four different groups). And thus began our first look at the roads and cities of Haiti. It was a hot, bumpy ride, by the time we arrived I was sure that I had sweat all over my skirt! (But despite what I first thought, Haiti isn't as hot as you would think, well I guess it is, but there is a really nice breeze making it seem cooler.) Anyway we saw a lot of things on the 2 hour bus ride from Port-Au-Prince to Grand Goave.

 There were markets all over the place!
 Another thing I didn't know about Haiti was that there were lot's of mountains!
I'm pretty sure over half of Haitians make a living selling things. (Like mangoes!)
 In Grand Goave around 90% of the people lived in the mountains, so we only saw a little of their population
(this picture was taken while we were still in Port-Au-Prince though)
 These kids were just a little bit away from the compound
Our first morning waking up in Haiti
 Now this is what I call an "Americanized" tap-tap. It's basically a cage on the back of a truck, then there were benches to sit on. Oh, and a tap-tap is like a Haitian taxi.
 One of the main projects we did was help build a house, here our group was praying before laying the foundation.
 We had a lot of bucket brigades throughout the building process because pretty much everything was done by hand.
 We shoveled and sifted rocks that the Haitians had gotten from the mountains so it could be used for making cement and laying the foundation.
 Sadie and Mrs. Simmons strike a pose :)

These guys carried water from the water pump and would dump it in these buckets.
 More sifting!
 Laying the first of the cement.
 Pumping out the water, this was also where those that lived around here got their water.
We made a lot of new friends.
 They like gambling for rubber bands. :)
 Abbey always had a little girl attached to her.
 Smoothing it out, this guy had great balance!
There was also this nice pig just taking a nap :)
There were animals all over; throughout the course of the trip we saw pigs, goats, dogs, cows, chickens, bunnies, horses, donkeys, and lizards!

More coming soon!
-Emma :D

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