Saturday, August 23, 2014

Haiti: Another Day at the Compound

 Okay, when I did that last post, I forgot that there were more pictures of us working! Haha, this was Thursday, our second to last day in Haiti, I cleaned pipes, pulled weeds, and washed tables!
The seventh full day of being in Haiti!
 Sarah and Brianna look a little tired getting out supplies :)
 Sarah was cleaning the pipes and gluing them in the new children's home
 Clean, glue, move the ladder  *repeat*

 There was also a group painting the bathrooms
 Sadie, Nicole, Abbey, and Hannah

 Taking a break

We also went to the "market" that afternoon. Lifeline would invite some trusted people to come and sell their items to us! You could try and bargain with them, but I'm not really the type to bargain :), though I know others in the group got some really good deals by bargaining. I really regret not bringing my camera to capture all the people with their items laid out.
 Here's some of the stuff Hannah and I got. Once I got home, my dad helped me make a frame for the painting so we could staple it on and now it's like a canvas painting!
 Sadie with her mask :)
 Day number eight!
 We acted out Noah's ark for a new program that Lifeline had recently started. Here's Abby with her leaf (she was the dove).
 These are the kids, running to find a seat :) We left after we did our skit and listened to some of their songs and listen (of which we could not understand)  :).
 Once we got back, we cleaned the patio and kitchen chairs and tables.
 We set them out to dry in the sun and they were pretty dry within fifteen minutes!
 Hosing down the tables
 Abby, Hannah, Hannah, Abbey
(Haha, the name doubles within our group! Well, there were also two Matt's, two Nicole's, two Nathan's and two Maddie's!)
(PS. I don't even know what Hannah is doing :))

-Emma :D

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