Sunday, August 17, 2014

Haiti: Working Around the Compound

     While we were in Haiti, we weren't always out and about the community, a couple of days some groups would stay behind and help get odd jobs done around the compound while others went out and did home visits or layettes. Some of the things everyone did included: painting railings, the new children's home, the gate, and wooden boards, digging a trench to re-route some pipe line, cleaning pipes and adding support to the pipes in the children's home, raking leaves, pulling weeds, washing tables, and I'm sure there was more!
Day 6 in Haiti!
Abby and I helped Carol add a second layer of blue to these boards

This is called: rubbing gasoline on yourself to get the paint off. It worked, but we smelled so nice after getting the paint off ;)
Yay, pretty blue boards!
     Oh, and here was a toddler nutrition program that was going on that day, we would get some food and go off and pray with the person that they called up and give them the food. 

     Also, I didn't get pictures, but after we did layettes, we had a group of six go into a little depo (it was probably the size of whatever room you're sitting in right now :) ) and the Haitians would come in and we would find them two shirts and two pairs of pants and then send them to the shoe depo. It was a bit hard finding the right pant size, you would wrap the waist band around their neck and if it went all the way around, it would fit them, but as I did it I felt like I was choking a guy! And I never found some pants that went all the way around his neck... so I feel really bad if they were too small! But the people were so chill and accepting of whatever we gave them (though we had a couple reject a shirt :) ).

But back to the work day...
Here's the gate that opened to Lifeline! Many would come in and Haitians were always hanging out around the compound area.
Chrissy, Nicole (pictured above), and I got to paint it!
After lunch, Michael joined us to do the other side

Then this was before the Ladies Praise and Worship, we got to take some nice pictures!
Hannah, Taylor, Abby
Sarah and I
Sarah fishtailing Joia's hair..
(Abbey, Sadie, Taylor, Nathan, Sarah, Joia)
..which turned into the braiding train :)
Taylor, Sadie, and Abbey :)

Abby and the Hannah's
And on that t-shirt is the song we sang for the Ladies Praise and Worship. The ladies from another church planned a couple activities for the night. That night we sang, had a couple people give their testimonies, gave a message and did a craft. It was pretty fun. :)
Here's the song:
We are family We are family
Working together in Harmony
Lifting up the Savior
For the world to see
 Praise the Lord
We are family

-Emma :)

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