Monday, March 19, 2012

Late St. Patricks Post...

       Thanks to all of you who have guessed on The Doll Guess #4, which is NONE of you, so here is the first hint:
HINT #1-The doll is probably going to school
     Hope that will encourage you guys to guess....:) and so forth we go with today's post, here is the photo story Hannah and I made for St. Patrick's Day, hope you like it!

 Everyone was fast asleep on the morning of March 17th....
  Except for Nicki
 Who was up and dressed in her Irish Dancing outfit and wig
 She noticed something was wrong with Emie's clothes, so she pinched her
 Emie got up exclaiming, "Nicki! Why are you up and pinching me? It's 7 A.M!"
"Well, I'm sorry, but it's St. Patrick's Day and you are not wearing green, and you're asking why I'm pinching you. I think that's pretty self explanatory!"
 Kirsten arose from all the commotion and asked what was going on
 So, Nicki went into great detail on how Emie had not been wearing green
 Which therefore lead to Jellyon and Julia waking up and Nicki having to explain it all over again
 Jellyon laughed a bit and commented, " I'm surprised you haven't learned to wear your green clothes to bed yet Emie! Julia and I learned to wear green three years ago when Nicki woke us up at 12:01 A.M. by pinching us to death!"
Nicki then told them she wanted to perform her dance for them, so everyone sat down focusing all their attention on Nicki and Nicki began to dance. (Shown below)
 When the dance ended, the girls erupted in applause.
 Nicki bowed, happy that they like her dance
Then they all gathered for an annual St. Patrick's Day photo

     Hope you guys had a good St. Patrick's Day! I know I did, I rode Go-Karts for the first time, super fun! Remember to guess for The Doll Guess #4, it's better to guess unsure than not at all. :) Thanks!
-Emma :)


  1. Sorry I didn't guess... :)

    Nicki's outfit is soooooooooo cute! Where did you get it? :D

  2. It actually came from American Girl, though it's retired now. You can see it on this webpage, (at the bottom) if you scroll almost all the way to the bottom in the 2007 category. I like the outfit too, but sometimes the wig is hard to cover up all the hair. Sorry this was so long! :)

  3. I love the pictures you take! I used love to make scenes with my dolls.
