Thursday, March 29, 2012

Movie Tag!

Okay, here is a fun movie tag!
The rules:
1. You must acknowledge the person who tagged you
2. Tell your three favorite movies, tell three random things about your favorite movies, and one thing you like to do while watching movies

     First of all, thank you AGTriviaMaster for tagging me, this is a fun tag!

Now, my three favorite movies would have to be......
1. Soul Surfer!
2. Cheaper by the Dozen (1&2 so technically I'll have 4 favorite movies)
3. Chrissa Stands Strong
  • In Soul Surfer, Bethany Hamilton was filmed for some of the surfing scenes
  • In Cheaper by the Dozen, the set of girl twins, aren't twins in real life 
  • In Chrissa Stands Strong, the house was shot in California, and they used artificial snow
One thing I like to do while watching movies, like most other people, is to eat popcorn!!

Now I'll tag...

Thanks again AGTriviaMaster! 
-Emma :)

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