Sunday, June 3, 2012

Contact Us!

     Aside from the main point, I would like to welcome our 17th follower, Vivy! Vivy is the blog owner of Epic Elli and Viviness and AG. Vivy's blogs are both about American Girl Dolls, and she takes really neat pictures! She's also has good tips and has had a previous contest! I bet she would really like it if you stopped by one of her blogs! :)
     Now, as you can see from the title, Hannah and I have made a way to contact us, aside from comments! And that way is by e-mail! Our e-mail is....
There are no capital letters and no spaces. So if you would like to do something with us like an interview or just ask questions about our blog, we would be happy to respond to your e-mails!
     Also, we will be deleting the guest book tab in a couple days, and replacing it with a page about us, and that will be where our e-mail address will be. So I hope you will contact us! And sorry for having such a long post. :(  Here is a rainbow that Hannah and I saw at our brothers baseball game, it was actually a double rainbow!

 We had to get the baseball fence in it :), do you see the double?
 This is a picture of Jellyon's hair last year sometime... I was just going through random pics :D

-Emma :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, I really appreciate it! A double rainbow? That is so intense :D, I have always wanted to see a double rainbow!
